Monday, May 30

chuckie turned 3 :)

We celebrated jeremy's 3rd birthday last March 25, at the clubhouse for a change... hehe. The theme was childrens swimming party meets half-naked adults drinking by the pool. Balloons and party hats came... so did the Fundador. We also rented a big-bellied drunk man (who just happened to be my uncle, how convenient) as the party clown. Sponge bob was there too :) With the gifts and loot bags, came my tita's videoke which just happened to be in the van, and a big lechon brought in by plane all the way from Dumaguete. Yeah, this is a children's party alright... untraditionally done, of course- my family's trademark. With only 6 kids who showed up and 21 adults (half of which is my mum's amigas and badminton team), shortly my dad arrived accompanied by his old time friend, Johnnie Walker... and the celebration started at about 8pm til my mum, uncle, and stepdad fell drunk asleep by the pool... embarassing! totally. the guards woke them up at 6am! while me and my sister was already waaaay asleep in our beds... being the good kids that we are!? *eyebrows raised*

with a party like that at 3? he sure is gonna start young. Posted by Hello

i wish he'd stay as a normal, innocent boy that he is :) with my fam? tough luck *cross fingers*
Posted by Hello

i caught my lola eating ice cream! she's diabetic... bad granny :)
Posted by Hello

The next day, right after lunch (this would be around 3pm) we feasted on jeremy's home-made birthday cake until somebody remembered jeremy didn't get the chance to blow his birthday candle, which we later found wrapped and untouched inside the cake box... and we didn't get to sing him a song! now his cake's half-eaten already... how awful! five selfish adults eh? imagine growing up in a house like that ;p

so we tried to salvage what was left of the cake and jeremy's dignity, u know how important that is when you're 3.

here's our attempt:

oh wow you guys remembered... i'm speechless.
Posted by Hello

yay, i didn't know this part comes the day after. Posted by Hello

I can't believe his three already! I love my baby brother so much, he has changed our lives, he brought so much joy and love *tears*
I'd swim shark-infested waters for this boy, he's like my own :)
you mess with the boy. you mess with the fam.

jeremy's birthday pictures


Monday, May 23

the force... in my high-heels.

I just saw Star Wars Episode III with my tito joey and uncle jun, both are Star Wars enthusiasts. As for me, I’m not really a fan of the series, never was of any sci-fi movie at that. I always thought it was geeky.. yah right, like software programming isn’t? ;) Anyhow, I went along thinking I would’ve rather sat at home and watched Casablanca or Breakfast at Tiffanys on dvd... But I must say, after seeing this film… I discovered an exhilarating admiration for it, which grew towards the end of the movie. I abso-abso-lutely loved it!!!

It reminded of the time I saw Troy, I thought I wouldn’t enjoy 2-hours of the movie as much as I’d be savoring the 3-second-show of Brad Pitt’s ass, or that I’d be half-covering my face the whole time seeing only parts of it which entitles me for a reasonable refund, heh. Bloody sword fights and men in skirts didn't sound appealing enough for me to watch… but then, the movie was so emotionally intense that I forgot to eat my favorite cheese-flavored popcorn! I didn’t mind the gory scenes or the bloody war… well ok, I did squint a couple of times… But I was more emotional as opposed to aghast. And even more surprisingly, I cried a lot in that movie too... more than I did watching My Best Friend’s Wedding twice. I then developed a liking towards sword-fighting-battle-movies taken way back when... <-- I know something is grammatically wrong with the latter sentence but you get what I mean, right? Centuries ago? Taken back in time and civilization where the words Honor, Love, and Pride are of meaning. Right after that I enthusiastically watched The Last Samurai, and just recently-- The Kingdom of Heaven.

Star Wars, although obviously at a different world and time… if not exactly alike is somehow comparable to these movies I mentioned, with regards to the storyline… Well as they say, this episode was the most emotionally powerful of the six. The graphics and special effects are amazing yes, I mean… space ships, robots, giant-soldier-monkeys and… well, I don’t know what to call the rest of them flying objects... never looked so realistic. But I don’t know, I wasn’t as amazed with the graphics as I was with the story and the emotions portrayed. I’m a sucker for romance like that, at any given universe ;)

This is my first Star Wars movie, the only one I saw. I barely had a glimpse of Episode II on HBO late last year, and I remembered switching the channel to watch Late Night with Jay Leno instead. Darn. Although I was hesitant to watch it then since I heard it stunk up the room when it was first shown on the silver screen. But now, I’m just dying to see all the episodes!

"Attachment causes jealousy- which is in the shadow of greed. Train yourself to let go of the things you fear the most." -yoda. or something like that.

Have I mentioned I LOVE YODA? I LOVE YODA. He's earned my respect ;)


Friday, May 20

the crow.

I feel highly agitated these days. <-- elaboration on this subject coming soon. I just wanna take everything in and then post it in my blog, to share something of substance to the world... ehem *cough* bullshit *cough*

I took this personality test out of serious boredom, and to temporarily get my mind out of things.


What Is Your Animal Personality?
brought to you by Quizilla


Tuesday, May 3

coping with melancholy.

Although it can be self gratifying to wallow in self pity, it can also be mentally unhealthy. So i try to distract myself with accomplishing something productive... i remember a suggestion daddy mentioned a few weeks ago...i pace relentlessly in my head to encounter my wildest and simplest of daydreams, tracked them down and captured them in full detail. Things i must and want to do preferably before i settle down (not any time soon) that would further fulfill and enrich the existence i behold and bring upon character a worldly knowledge..

so here goes.

1. be able to pursue a career where my true passion lies
2. learn to play at least one musical instrument (the ipod don’t count)
3. finish reading every book on Oprah’s List
4. enroll in an art class (and finish it this time!), creative writing and
fashion journalism
bathe in milk and honey after a seaweed facial and a chocolate body scrub (happening soon!!!)
6. have a place I can entirely call my own
7. be on a cruise ship
8. bunjee jump
9. sky dive
10. go on a euro tripto travel all by myself to a foreign country without a familiar face or structure for thousands of miles on end. Never ending possibilities. Swept wherever direction my feet leads me to- France; gaze upon the masterpieces of my inspiring genius of choice Leonardo da Vinci in the hallways of the Louvre. Italy; laze in awe on a gondola at the rich historical structures Venice has to offer, transformed in time.
11. donate to an orphanage or livelihood program
12. learn any form of self defense, which also means I should try and forget that my stepdad’s a lawyer
13. learn to speak French and
run around under the hard pouring rain on an open field (not in this country tho, i'll drown in baha!)
15. scuba diving, feed a shark- if there’s a good enough guarantee I’m not the bait!
16. write a column for a newspaper
or a fashion magazine
17. ride an elephant and camel
18. watch an Opera
19. mardi gras, definitely on my list (please let this be soon)
20. walk on the ledge of the great wall of china
21. party in Ibiza (again, please god let this be soon)
22. make snow angels and have a snowfight
23. live in Seoul for a month,
strange I’ve always wanted to.
24. road trip! Yay! Now all I gotta do is learn how to drive, get a license and a car! Wow. So do-able <-- sarcasm goes here.
25. sit in the belly/smack middle of a windmill and watch it turn
26. ride a big ass motorcycle down a highway as fast as my racing heart and rationality shall allow, and bitchslap the driver once it’s done.
27. be a chocolate taster for a day
28. listen to Beethoven’s moonlight sonata played on a piano
29. find a cozy spot to sit in Central Park a few hours and with the company of a good red wine, observe the diverse variety of people pass by. So movie-ish I know.
30. learn how to cook